More Traffic Tips and 2007 Wrap-up

First, here is another article on driving traffic to your website:

5 Steps to More Free Website Traffic!

Article written by Jennifer Haubein

One of the biggest questions I receive as a website developer is how to get a website to rank number one Google or Yahoo? This can be a difficult task to achieve, but with a few steps you will be on your way to more free traffic.

Before we get started let me define some techie terminology for you.

Title Tag- In HTML code, the title tag specifies the title of your Web page. It is code which is inserted into the header of your web page.

Meta Tag- Used by search engines to allow them to more accurately list your site in their indexes.

On to the steps that will help bring in that free traffic!

1) Get More Inbound Links- The number one way search engines determine ranking is based on how many other websites are linking to your website. This is very important, because this is something you can do as a business owner. It takes a lot of dedication but the quicker you grow your inbound links, the closer to number one you will get. The easiest way to get more inbound links is to submit your website to online directories like Yahoo Directory and DMOZ. Also, if you write an ezine then submit your ezine articles to an article directory like Make sure you include a link back to your website in resource box of your article.

2) Pay attention to your competitors- There is a reason why your competitor's website is number one, they understand search engine optimization. So why don't you find out what they are doing. Find out what websites are linking to your competitors website and try to get your website listed there as well. Go to and enter the following into the search engine box:

(Replace your-competitor with your biggest competitor's domain name)

Also, take a look at their titles at the top of the web page and if you're feeling adventurous take a look at the source code to find out what key words they are using.

3) Keywords- Keywords within your website are the next best way to boost your ranking. As a business owner make sure to think about your keywords when you are writing your website copy. Your main keywords should be used at least 4-5 times within your copy. Also, make sure to include these keywords within your title tag, meta tags, and even your domain name if possible.

4) Time Can Be Your Friend or Enemy- It depends on your circumstances as to whether this is a bad thing, but search engines reward the websites that have been around a while. Also, make sure that you are aware that it takes sometimes two months to see your new website listed within the search engines or to see any new results. Be patient, you won't get to number one overnight.

5) Make Sure Your Website is Searchable- This can be difficult for you as the business owner, but you need to make sure your website is using text as much as possible. Graphics and Flash technology are not searchable by the search engines. Unfortunately there are still only 9 reliable font choices available on the web, so some things will need to be graphics rather than text. But please do not make your entire webpage images or else there will be nothing to search. You can help Google see your website effectively by setting up a sitemap with Google. We sell a solution called Traffic Blazer that handles all of this for you. Traffic Blazer will develop the sitemap automatically and give you step by step instructions on how to submit it to Google.

Off to Greece

Next, I would just like to say that it's been a blast in PM Money's first year of existence. I suppose I should mention that my low posting frequency has been due to being at university. In turn, I have had a relatively low success making money from this blog in particular, but the earnings haven't been invisible. I am steadily increasing my income and learning things as I go along. I am making money with other blogs. This blog is more for me to write down my thoughts and lessons learned.

I will be going on vacation to Greece and thus I will post again in January. Thanks to everyone who has stuck with this blog despite its low post rate. I still like doing it and hope you watch as it evolves.

Merry Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, Eid, or whatever else you may celebrate. Leave me an email, I'd love to get some chat going with other bloggers/readers. Reach me at morrow0000 to the g mail.

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Adam Ginsberg on the Top Ways of Driving Traffic To Your Website

Adam Ginsberg gives you a list on the top ways to drive traffic to your website, as well as his personal favourites.

I'll have to admit that I do not rely on internet marketing for my income, but the trend seems to be that the more reliant you are on it, the more unethical your tactics are. Mr. Ginsberg promotes email marketing, but as long as I live I will never try that. I hate spam just as much as anyone else.

Anyways, here it is. Let me know what you think of his tactics. If you are more interested in learning how to make money on eBay, his main focus, go to

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16 Website Types to Make You Money

Thanks to Dosh Dosh for this article.

1. Affiliate Review Website. Create a website that reviews affiliate products like make money online programs, web hosting services etc. Run it on Wordpress and update it everyday with affiliate feeds or articles. How much you’ll make depends on how thick (amount of content) the website is.

2. Product Fan Blog. Create a Wordpress blog around a popular product and update everyday with news about the product. The iPhone is a good example of a hot product to choose. Traffic will be quite decent over time if the products have longevity.

3. Auction websites. Create a website that is similar to eBay to allow users to sell and buy products from each other. You will generate income by monetizing through ads and drawing a commission through each sale. You might get some steady revenue if you sell high ticket products or go niche enough to get a loyal user base.

4. Dating Websites. Dating websites are communities which allow users to register, chat with and meet other interested users. They can be easily setup with turnkey scripts although you’ll really need a customized template and some coding work done to make it competitive or attractive enough to get some users. Markus Frind is currently the biggest individual Adsense publisher and makes well over $10K a day from his free dating site, Plenty of Fish.

5. Made for Adsense Websites. These are websites with a keyword domain and they come with a bunch of pre written articles around a specific topic. Examples of common topics include acne, cancer, health and finance. These are generally boring, low maintenance sites that are plastered with contextual ads. Incredibly easy to create using the Wordpress platform.

6. Affiliate Product Website. This is a salespage which sells an electronic product like an eBook. Create the product, buy an existing one or just get someone to do it. The main way to make money is to drive or buy traffic to your salespage and make money when they buy your eBook or opt into your email list. This is an easy way to generate some real income, especially if you are have a great niche product or am skilled in promoting your personal brand and salespage.

7. Online Games/Arcade Sites. Get someone to develop an online game that is for members only and earn money by selling points, which allow users to unlock extra options within the game. Arcade sites are simply sites with a collection of flash or online games. They are monetized through display ads. Games can spread quickly if they are very well designed and appealing.

8. Forums or Social Network. Pick a topic that is able to attract a decent amount of users and create a forum or social network. Income will not come quickly and a lot of work is needed to build the community. Create a blog on the same domain and use for promotional purposes. There is a potential to earn a good amount of money when the forum gets big or popular.

9. Specialized Search Engines. Build a search tool that allows visitors find media of specific types. Include your adsense ads within the search pages. This sort of tools usually don’t do very well unless you provide additional value on top of search. Examples of things to add include ajax search, folksonomy and recommendation engines.

10. Paid Membership Site. These are membership sites which provide ongoing educational lessons on a specific topic or offer a large archive of resources, along with a forum. An example of this is the Teaching Sells website. Members will pay a fixed fee every month to maintain their membership.

11. Design/Coding Service Site. Create a website that offers customized logo or website design, alongside coding for PSD to XHTML, Wordpress and Joomla. Hire freelance coders and designers and manage them. Pay them a portion of each sale and promote your website through blogs and webmaster forums.

12. File Hosting Website. Set up a file host which allows users to upload and share their files online with other users. There’s a tremendous amount of competition in this niche so its very difficult to make some real money unless you innovate on features or market it well.

13. Web Directories. A web directory provides listings for websites and makes money from both display advertising and sale of premium listings. Most of the work needs to be focused on marketing and branding the site. Niche directories with a good reputation might find it easier to make money.

14. Online Web tool. This includes URL shorteners, spell checkers, picture editors, file converters and various webmaster tools (keyword volume, link popularity). Visitors will often return to your site to use these tools if they are comprehensive enough or if your site is well designed and genuinely useful.
15. Proxies. Proxies are websites which allow a websurfer to not only surf anonymously but bypass certain filters which prevent one from viewing a site. They are popular with the Myspace crowd and will often require a dedicated server. There are many proxies on the market but they may be worth exploring. Income is largely passive.

16. Commercial Template Sites. Basically this involves the creation of ready made website templates for sale. They can be bundled up into sales packages and traffic can be obtained through PPC advertising. If you’re not interested in producing original templates, you can run the site using affiliate feeds from the other more established template websites like Template Monster.

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Ad-to-Content Ratio for Your Blog

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