Earnings Still Trending Upward; Back From a Long, Long Hiatus

Hello all, sorry for the posting drought. After I returned from my vacation in Greece, (which was splendid) I was left without a repaired laptop. About a week ago I was informed that it was fixed, but as soon as I fiddled around with it I found new problems with it that hadn't been there before. I should be able to get it in a few days, but as of late I have had limited access to computers. It's been frustrating and I can't wait to get back at the blogging.

So what have I been doing all this time? School work mostly. I have also began a few other blogs which require a lot less time with much better earnings than this one. However, I must note that this blog by far gets the most traffic. I'm still averaging around 100 page views a day and I'm not even posting.

Where do I generate this traffic?
- Social Networking
- RSS Feed click backs
- Google/ Google Images

Right now I'm doing a few other blogs which are related to sports and health. I may link you to them but I don't want you to think any less of me while I slowly make them look tidier.

My earnings are trending upward on a month to month basis. I'll not say any numbers here, but I have in general found some consistency and haven't had two months in a row of decreasing earnings. Before I lost my laptop, I was on pace to shatter my December total. Right now I'm paced to barely creep past them. It's good to do a post again and I'll be back in full swings within a week.

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