With a little effort, you can earn a little cash. But as long as you don't mind that the money isn't pouring in by the truckload in a week, and if you've created multiple streams of small amounts of cash, the bottom line will slowly crawl up until all of those little streams turn into an 'ocean' of cash. It's not eBay, but it won't dig into your free time like eBay does. I'm going to put together another list of links to places which
I personally pick. Companies are willing to award a little bit of cash for a little bit of effort - which if you don't mind, will be an alright upgrade to your lifestyle. The key is that there are tons and tons of websites which are willing to offer you this. If you diversify your cash flow, you will be earning lots of little cheques, as opposed to the mystical 'big cheque'. That's all I'm willing to promise you. You'll find, on the optimistic side, that your payroll will increase if you put more effort and tell others about their website. You will be credited for work that others do, and if you just put that little amount of time, you can really build up the profits.
Without further ado:
Note: I will be updating this list for the next few weeks. Keep checking back as it will grow.
Bux.to - You get paid to read ads. You collect money for doing basically nothing, so you've got nothing to lose by signing up.
TreasureTrooper - Get paid to complete offers, fill out forms, surveys, or other miscellaneous tasks. Payout is $20.
COMING SOON: Your complete manual for success with Adsense