Dada - Social site with a revenue sharing program that pays you for referring friends and driving traffic.
Jyve - Pays you to provide answers, advice and peer support to people in need of some help.
Cruxy - Specializes in social video, but serves as a venue to sell your digital media.
BitWine - Get paid to give advice and answer questions for people, on subjects of your interests and choice.
Ether - Make money answering questions for your peers over the phone. You set your rates and call availability.
UpBlogger - Social network site that pays you based on the amount of visits you receive to your uploaded content.
JustAnswer - Help others solve their problems and earn money for your knowledge.
MetaCafe - Upload your videos and earn money based on the number of views you receive.
ChaCha - Get paid to offer support to members of their community.
AssociatedContent - Earn money by uploading your videos, text, audio and images to their site. Earnings are determined by the exposure you receive from your content.
myLot - Pays you for posting, commenting and using their social network.
KnowBrainers - Another site that pays you to get involved with the community and answer questions. Optionally you can answer questions through the RSS feeds on your own blog.