Back From Vacation; Money Updates

This past 10 days I went to Northern Ireland to visit some relatives. It was a nice little trip. I had limited internet access but I was able to maintain my earnings on this blog.

I can't believe it's already been a year since I started this blog. I wasn't sure from the beginning if I would keep it going or not, but I've grown an affection for blogging and the more I learn the more I realize the potential I have to develop it into something really special.

As always, blogging takes up a lot of time. I plan on making money on the internet in other forms. That is why I'm proud to announce that shortly I will be starting my first major website project. A programmer and I have been working on a sports betting website and it is hopefully going to make a huge splash sometime this summer. Once that gets going, the real money making begins for me and my associates.

As for this blog, I plan to keep it going. As I start having more to "rave" about, this blog will become my journal of how I am making money online - because who doesn't want more money making ideas?

July 12th, 2007 was the start date of this blog. Since that time, I have learned a great deal about blogging. I know what it takes to make a living out of blogging, and it sure isn't easy. The people who read blogs are well informed folks, and its awfully hard to sell their eyeballs! I don't expect much income out of this blog, but maybe that's a good thing, because I'll never feel disappointed.

This July 12th, I'll post up my earnings for the year. I've contemplated giving monthly earnings, but they really aren't much worth talking about on a monthly basis. Maybe once things start moving along nicely I will do so. Stay tuned for the July 12th year in review!

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