If you run a website, you must always keep in mind that people can still come to your site to view old posts. Try doing a spring cleaning of your older posts to remove dead links or links to places that are of no use to your readers nowadays.
There are several practical reasons to do this. First of all, on an intangible note, you will be annoying your readers. When you give a link, the only thing that should matter is whether it's useful to your readers. Too many times do bloggers give links to pages that benefit themselves over their readers.
Secondly, you reduce the number of links that leave your blog. This can help boost your PageRank in the next update. Why bother giving a link to Google Adsense? They really dont need the PageRank as much as you do.
Thirdly, if they're affiliate links or partnerships that are no longer of use to you, you increase the chance of losing a customer. If you don't have an affiliate program in your money making plans then you're best to stop giving them traffic and PageRank. If you really feel you need to keep a link up for relevancy, then at least add the nofollow attribute (look it up) to it.
Do you even look at your old articles? Have you ever thought of spring cleaning your website in these ways, or is this a calling? Share your thoughts with us.